Monday 23 September 2024

Strange Sally Diamond - Liz Nugent

If ever there was a book that wanted to be a cartwheel, this is that book. One minute the reader is firmly planted on the ground, aware of their surroundings, the next, the world has flipped over and you are reaching for the sky, trying to make sense of who the protagonist is and whether we like her or not.  In Strange Sally Diamond, Liz Nugent likes to strange-ify the world of the text, to make the strangeness of the title, not only refer to Sally herself, but also to the plot line. We are never really sure what will happen next and where the story is going, which is a delightful thing in a thriller.

From the very first sentence, this book will grip you. The character of Sally, who is one of the book’s narrators, is one of a kind. We are never quite sure what she will do next. Her inability to know when she has crossed the line of acceptable human behaviour engages and unnerves us. Just when we feel that she has acclimatised to the rhythms of everyday life, she hits out against the world, and it is only as the story unfolds that we learn why. 

I will not spoil the surprise of the novel here, never fear, but I will say that there are times in the book when we enter into the minds of unlikeable characters. It is uncomfortable and disorientating for the reader, which mirrors how Sally feels most of the time. This is the real brilliance of the text: Nugent forces the reader to feel like Sally, to cartwheel through the pages, never quiet sure when the horizon will flip once again and we will be left standing on our hands, trying to make sense of an upside down reality.

Set in a small town in Ireland, the book introduces us to a diverse cast of characters that reflects modern Ireland.  Yet there is something dark and corrupt lying just below the surface, with broken family relationships, untold secrets and  troubling memories bubbling up from childhood. As such, this book is rooted firmly in the Irish literary tradition, not a million miles away from the writings of Brian Moore or Edna O’Brien, heartbreakingly familiar to anyone who lived through the 1980s and ‘90s in Ireland.  We just know that the truth will rise to the surface, clawing its way into the light, like Yeats’s  slouching beast, its time come round at last. 

The senes in Ireland are paralleled with similar scenes in New Zealand, but where vast, open landscape conceals secrets of its own, mysteries that lie close to the surface, if anyone should care to seek them out. 

Strange Sally Diamond is as much a story about the workings of the human psyche as it is the goings on in a country village. And as such, this book tries to explore that things that make one person need to dominate another. What makes one human being feel the need to take full possession of another human being, so that one becomes the toy, a plaything for the other? And what is it in the human character that refuses such a yoke? These are the larger themes at work in Liz Nugent’s powerful, unforgettable book.

  Expect a quick ride through Sally’s strange world, I finished it in two sittings. But when you turn the final page, and land at last on your own two feet, do not be surprised if  you find, in the end, that the world never feels quite the same again. 

Michelle Burrowes

Friday 31 May 2024

The Lincoln Highway ~ Amor Towles

Every book takes us on a journey, whether figurative or literal. You might suspect that Amor Towles’s Lincoln Highway merely falls into the latter category only, but you’d be wrong. In most texts, the most important road trip or journey that the central character takes in an internal, psychological one, no vehicles required, and this book is surprisingly such a one.

The journeying that preoccupies Towles in this book is not only inward moving, but it also extends outward, exploring great literary works, referring to Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet, and Homer’s The Odyssey. There are also many allusions to other texts, that add additional resonances in the plot line of  Lincoln Highway. Consider how each journey of the central male narrators in the book mirrors the journeys of  the heroes of The Aeneid, Moby Dick, Don Quixote, and Hamlet, but I will leave you to figure out who is who.

Towels’s preoccupation with books and stories continues in how, during the course of the book, various characters ponder the art of storytelling itself, like when one describes the arc of a story as a diamond, with the story’s beginning and ending tapering away, and the climax of the drama spreading to the widest point. Towles even holds a mirror up to the audience, when he presents us with an image of an old man, sitting alone in his bedroom, who has the worst addiction of all, to reading! He could be a future you or me, or the author himself!

There is even one character, young Billy, who carries a beloved book with him wherever he goes, as if his life depended on it. He keeps a journal and decides that the best place to begin a story is in the middle of the action, in medias res. This meta, self-reflective element of the novel is delightful, and serves as an homage to classic books and to book-lovers like us.

While Towles describes the book’s structure as a diamond, it seems to me that the intersection of the five main narrators creates something of a five-pointed diamond or star, which turns as the narrative moves forward, each point linked to the previous narrative and the one following, reflecting light on the story as a whole. 

One character, Emmet, ponders a theory that every character has a positive personality trait that, in them, is so exaggerated that it becomes a flaw. We recognise that it is so with the characters that Towles has gathered in the world of this novel. But not only that, it seems that each character has flaws that connects with others in the group, creating a suite of doppelgängers. 

We are told that Sarah’s flaw is that she is too kind, and that Sally’s is that she is too generous. Billy’s flaw is that he remembers to much, while Duchess forgets nothing. Emmet’s flaw is that he is a realist, a pessimist. He always expects the worst and this leads him to insist on always doing the ‘right’ thing. Contrastingly Wooly’s flaw is that he is a dreamer, an optimist: he always expects the best in others, but other people inevitably let him down.  In this wonderful way, Towles has created a kaleidoscope of characters whose journey in the novel refracts and reflects one another’s, making this an unforgettable novel that delights the careful reader,  and will make you want to read and re-read it again and again. 

This is a book about a journey, but not the one you are expecting. The twists and turns on the Lincoln Highway will send you off in the wrong direction again and again, as you try to predict where the story is will end up. You’ll skirt roundabouts and pot-holes, back roads and dead ends before you reach your destination. I only wish I could take that journey with you again for the first time. But for now, roll down the window, and treat yourself to a road trip on the Lincoln Highway. Enjoy the ride. 

By Michelle Burrowes

Monday 1 April 2024

The Nurse's Pronouncing Dictionary - by Honnor Morten

Measuring a mere 11.5cm by 9cm, this little book was meant to be small enough to keep in your pocket, discreetly tucked away for whenever you might need it. Published in 1915, when the battles of World War One had begun to rage, I cannot help but imagine that this book found its way into the hands and pocket of a woman who nursed soldiers, or tended to victims of the fighting in one or other theatre of war or on the home front. Wrapped in a red hardback covering, with a prominent black cross on the cover, there is a toughness to this book, which seems fitting.  This book means business. It had a job to do and a part to play in the story of nurses at war time, women who needed the words to help them do a job that was key to the war effort. From A is for ‘Abasia - Difficulty to walking due to incoordination,’ to Z is for ‘Zymotic - a term which includes all epidemic, endemic and contagious diseases arising from germs’, and everything in between, this book must surely have been indispensable at critical moments in the career of a nursing practitioner. 

Interestingly, the book naturally opened on the letter B, a page that defines ‘Bone-setting’, ‘Borax’ and ‘Bovril’, amongst other things. One can only imagine why this is, we will never know.  Nor will we know who used this book and how, when, where and why it was pulled from a pocket, to aid its owner.  What I do know, is that it found its way to the bottom of a box of books, in an auction in Dublin, from where I pulled it out into the light, some 109 years after it was published. It was one of a collection of books, some religious in nature and others with a definite Irish interest, all dating from between 1913 and 1923, some with inscriptions belonging to the same woman.  Yet, inside the tiny book there is also a similar-sized page, perhaps a bookmark or sorts, with an image of Christ on one side, his heart exposed, and surrounded by thorns, and on the other, a certificate of Membership, approved by the Archbishop of New York, dated until 1 March 1923, specifically naming Saint Joesph’s Union, 381 Lafayette Street, New York, and the reverend Mallick J. Fitzpatrick, pastor.

This fact transports the book to New York City, in the post war years, and I wonder, yet again, how the good people of St Joseph’s Union might have required a nurse, along with her dictionary, to come to their aid. Of course, with the help of Google, it was no time before I discovered that that address was the Mission of the Immaculate Convent, an ‘elegant four-story residence with a high stoop’, once owned by by Alexander H.. Stephens, an esteemed surgeon, a Paris Millinery, a Dr Stuart, who used the building to provide ‘Electric Magnetic treatment.’  But from 1888 until 1965, the building became a Mission of the Immaculate Virgin - originally home for destitute and homeless children (boys), run by the Sisters of St. Francis, although the premises was left unused for many years when another home was opened on Staten Island, the convent located at 381 Lafayette St remained.  I have to thank historian Tom Miller who posted all these fascinating details on his blog: Daytonian in Manhattan, ‘The Mission of the Immaculate Virgin Convent - No 381 Lafayette St.,  July 20, 2016. It is certainly worth a look.

These details are all in keeping with the lady whose collection of books ended up in an auction housein Dublin recently.  Among them were prayer books and souvenirs from Rome, that suggested to me that the owner had been in the religious orders and was perhaps an English teacher. Perhaps she or her belongings found her way back to Ireland, perhaps to a niece or godson, who held on to them for a generation, and on their passing, there was no one to remember the Irish girl who went to New York over a century ago to minister to the poor, destitute boys of the city, and who kept the pocket guide to medical pronunciation in her possession for all those years, perhaps the only momento of her time there to survive. A lot of perhaps I know, but I wonder where the book has been for the last 50 years at least, and in whose care.  I'd like to think that it was of good use to someone. 

But the owner herself remains nameless, and I quite like it that way, because she can be anyone, any girl, any nurse with a tool of learning in her pocket, to take her around the world, a ticket to gain entrance her places that perhaps she might never have seen.  All in all, this is a powerful little book, because of its definitions and diagrams, of course, but also because of the book itself, as an historical artefact and the stories it tells. Stories of the type of people, women mostly, who used this book to help others and themselves in the early 20th century, when all women did not yet have the right to vote, or equal opportunity to achieve in science and learning.  In a way, this little red book was for some women, a passport into the future, giving them access to the language and learning that could change their lives: a taste of the type of world we enjoy today, making this tiny red book a mighty book indeed. 

Buy now on Etsy

Saturday 10 February 2024

Red Herrings and White Elephants ~by Albert Jack with Illustrations by Ama Page

  This little book has been sitting on my shelf for the last twenty years and I still have not grown tired of its many fascinating and colourful explanations on the origins of words, and idioms in the English language. In my pre-smartphone, pre-instagram world, this chunky hardback was my go-to while sitting in a dentist’s waiting room or between baby feeds. It never failed to amaze me and would send me running off to share what delicious titbit of etymology I had found.  It today’s Instagram world I would no doubt like and share these little historical gems, to amaze and beguile my children, now grown with smartphones of their own.  Here is just one little example from the book:
    ‘A Deadline… originally was a white line painted at a … prisoner of war camp during the American Civil War… any prisoner crossing white line was shot dead… Since then the phrase was applied to newspaper writers… If they missed the deadline of their story it was considered dead as it would be out of date by the following day’s print run.’ (Apologies for the crude eclipses.). See?  Don’t you want to immediately share that history with the person next to you?  I just did - and he said, ‘Every day is a school day!’  He is not wrong.  You may be lucky enough to have this precious book in your collection already, or you may still be able to get it online somewhere.  It is a great conversation starter, if you want to like and share old school - or, like me, you are partial to a bit of both.   So, if you have ever wondered where the phrases, ‘Raining Cats and Dogs’, or ‘Codswallop’ come from - pick up a copy of this delightful book when you can. 

Sunday 31 December 2023

A Snow Garden - Rachel Joyce

There is something about Christmas that makes me reach for short stories, why is that? And if there is a promise of magic, all the better. This year one collection that I loved was ‘A Snow Garden’ by Rachel Joyce. She presents us with seven scenarios, with people whose lives are imploding. The characters are struggling, yet there is always hope that everything will work out fine.  As with her previous books that I have reviewed, the characters in these short stories are very normal - quietly so, and that is just what makes them so special. She gives us mothers and fathers trying to hold it together just long enough to give their children a ‘normal’ Christmas when things are anything but. No one is fooled though. The pain that these characters are living with is blinding, like a shiny object, stuffed in a box that no one ever sees, but once it is taken out into the sunlight, it dazzles. Between the pages of this book we meet a whole array of characters, battling to survive the season of peace and joy: Binny, the mother coming to terms with an infidelity; Alan and Alice, married for decades, warring it out as the try to assemble a racing bike for their son on Christmas Eve; an unexpected birth at the airport; a single dad who promises his sons snow for Christmas; a pop star’s homing-coming; a father and son dealing with regrets. And then a beautiful moment from world of Harold and Maureen Fry, that almost broke me. These are the cast of characters who people this heartwarming, gem of a book.
We are told in the introduction to the book, that they have one thing in common - they were all cast-off and rejects from other novels and radio plays that the author, for one reason or another, cut from her published works.  In a way, this book is a second chance for these characters - their opportunity to prove to the world that their stories were worth reading.  We delight to see these broken, forgotten creations finally get their moment in the sun. This fact alone, fills the reader full of hope.  
And then, to add a double layer of spine-tingling pathos, Joyce gathers bundles of joy within each story, and wraps them up for us like a gift.  Tiny, impossible, yet possible plot lines, connections and insights, fill us with delight in what can only be described as a hefty, seasonal helping of Christmas spirit. Yet there is a bittersweet aftertaste with every mouthful - this is real life after all!
You will recognise yourself in these stories, the people from your past, and those who surround you everyday. People who make bad decisions, silly mistakes and show poor judgement on every page - but that is the thing that makes them human, endearing, and unforgettable. It is the juxtaposition of the normal, with the magical that makes this book so special. It is a perfect Christmas collection of short stories and will be one I return to again and again, not just at Christmas, but whenever I need to be reminded that we are all in this together, and that stories are waiting around every corner.  And, dare I say, magic too.

Thursday 30 November 2023

Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewell

Jewell presents us with the normality of living juxtaposed with the terror of a missing child. How can one go on to live a normal life when there is nothing left that is normal?  When fifteen year old Ellie goes missing, it takes its toll on her mother Laurel and father Paul’s relationship. For sister Hannah and brother Jake, life as they have known it has been irreparably changed forever. There is much that we recognise about family life, suburban living, the usual neurotic obsessions that can drive a family apart.  

It takes Laurel some time to learn to love her daughter Hannah, who she wished had died instead of Ellie. Hannah seems to know this and the loss of her sister is doubly hard, highlighting how imperfect she was, as well as little she was loved by her mother. 

Her son Jake finds a surrogate family with his new girlfriend with whom they are planning on having a family of their own. Each tries to find a way to cope. Like his son, Paul has met a new partner, complete with step children. He has stepped not a new life. Everyone seems to have moved on, except for Laurel. But that was before she met a man. 

Floyd Dunn, is the person who has the key to unlocking the prison that Laurel has made for herself: a prison of grief and pain. The reader is brought along with our protagonist as we move from doubt, to acceptance, as we want only good things for this woman who has suffered so much. And then, we discover, that Floyd’s life is just as complicated as her own and it emerges that Paul has the key to a lot more than the present. 

Like Laurel, we are sceptical of everyone. We are concerned for her at every step. We follow her as she plunges into a relationship with someone who may or not be the very man who has all the answers - the answers that will tear them apart.

For much of the book - the scenes written in the present - Jewell uses the present tense to create an immediacy that is gripping. It demands our attention and the pace of this book is part of its charm - you will complete it in a couple of sittings. It leaves the reader in a whirl, swept along by the short chapters, just as Laurel is swept along in the romance that will upend her life forever.  

Jewell also uses the past tense, when the narrator switches to Noelle, who narrates her story in the first person. This too is impactful - her speech patterns and quirky phrasing are so idiosyncratic, that she is chillingly believable as the psychopath that she is.  While the male characters play their part, it is the depiction of the the women in the story; Ellie, Laurel and Noelle, who hold the reader in their grip and never let us go until the final page. In fact, the ‘She’ of the title could refer to any if not all of the female protagonists who all disappear in their way during the course of the book.

Our desire to know the full story is what makes this book such a page-turner. We wonder if we ever find out what happened to Ellie, the girl who we care so deeply about from the very first page. The lost girl demands our attention and we long, we long, we long for her story to end well.

In ‘Then She Was Gone’, Jewell has written a book that discusses how life can go on, despite the unbearable happening. How can you continue to live your life knowing that your beautiful, ‘golden’ daughter has simply disappeared into thin air. Jewell considers this and ultimately comes to the conclusion that there is always space for love; for Laurel’s husband Paul, and his new wife, for her son and his partner, for her daughter and the mystery man in her life, and even, surprisingly so, for Laurel.  Amid all the hatred, the darkness, and the rage, there is love - love for Laurel’s missing daughter, for her other children, for her lover, but more than anything, love for herself. 

Monday 16 October 2023

Wrong Place Wrong Time - Gillian McAllister

If you haven’t yet read Gillian McAllister’s book ‘Wrong Place Wrong Time’, then perhaps this is the wrong time for you to read this post. Finish the book and come back later. 

The premise of this novel is quite intriguing - it toys with time travel and asks, what event, in a chain of events, would you change to prevent someone you love from committing a murder.  It’s a worthy question and one that engages the reader from the start. It is a moral question too for even the smallest alteration could have major implications. But who wouldn’t go back in time, if only to eliminate regret?

Surely then it would be possible to chase perfection, to ensure that we become the best person, the best parent, and in this case, the best mother. McAllister presents us with a busy, working mum, and the three men in her life: her father, son and husband. On one level she is an everywoman, carrying those small guilts that we all recognise when we juggle career, family and relationships.

Ask yourself, if you could go back in time, what would you do differently?  Second time around, would you try to make it to your son’s 16th birthday?  Would you be there when your father died?  Would you notice if your husband had secrets? Yes, yes you would. These are all the glorious second chances that our protagonist Jen embraces during the course of this tightly plotted novel.  

Of course, McAllister masterfully manoeuvres the plot timeline, but it is the powerful emotional weight of the text that makes this book a winner for me.  There is one powerful scene in particular that I will never forget, when Jen spends an afternoon with her father, knowing that his life is about to end. In a book that is propelled backwards at breakneck speed, there is little time to pause, but in this scene, time stands still.  “They are standing in his dining room, In between his living room and kitchen.  The light outside is beautiful, illuminating a shaft of dust in front of his patio doors.’  McAllister minutely describes her father’s house - the furniture, the dark wood, the kettle bubbling on the stove.  She puts us right in the kitchen with her father and asks us, would you save him if you could?  Of course we would.  Isn’t it the ultimate wish - to have one more day with our departed loved ones? And this isn’t the only question that we are presented with.  The whole novel pulsates with huge questions and observations about familial relationships, such as when Jen’s father tells her, ‘You never want your child to feel like they were a burden.’ 

Light is also used to focus our attention in the pivotal scene with Todd and Jen at the cafe on his birthday, ‘The overhead lights, on some sort of sensor, begin to go off, leaving their bench spot lit in the middle, alone, like they’re in a play.’  This is where Todd tells his mother that he doesn’t blame her for being a busy mum.  This moment in key in the plot and in their relationship. He simply says, ‘You’re human … I wouldn’t have you any other way mother’, and with that the readers share a collective sigh.  It is alright. We are alright.  It is OK to shed the guilt.  It is a momentous moment, one which propels the plot forward and engages the reader, offering us forgiveness for imagined failings. In this book, McAllister fulfils our collective desire which makes this book, much more than a murder mystery

Unlike Kate Atkinson’s foray into time travel with her wonderful novel, Life After Life, McAllister doesn’t turn back time to change monumental moments in history, she journeys to right the wrongs in her family’s relationships, to heal any pain that she may have caused others, but more than anything, to heal the pain, doubts, and guilt within herself, and in turn within the reader.

There is never a wrong time to read a good book, and in Wrong Place Wrong Time McAllister travels back in time to remind us all that how we use our time right now is all that matters.

Sunday 17 September 2023

Normal Rules Don’t Apply - Kate Atkinson


Let me begin with a confession - I am a huge Atkinson fan and so am totally biased. Still - I think you will adore this book, like I do.
Kate Atkinson’s latest book is a collection of short stories entitled ‘Normal Rules Don’t Apply’, more riddle than narrative - a clue lies in the title. Atkinson gifts us with a book that we can choose to read as a disparate collection of stories, or not. I have chosen the latter, knowing as I do how Atkinson likes to surprise and delight her readers. In her novel, Life After Life, she took us on a merry dance, breaking the norms of narrative writing until the story was perfected. She continues in a similar vein here, but takes the experiment to the next level.  

The twelve stories in the collection are linked in numerous ways; firstly through setting.  The book begins and ends on Grassholm Farm, close to the Green Dragon pub, which in turn is connected to the fictional Green Acres television serial. What a lovely touch to create a collection of characters whose one point of connection is the local pub! On a symbolic level, Green Acres represents a fictional reality, in contrast to the many alternative realities that are presented in this text - after all, one fake reality is just as valid as the next!

Another connection is the way Atkinson plays with the rules of storytelling, creating a reality where unexpected things happen. For example, one main character dies close to the start of the story, but that doesn’t stop her first person narration! Another character is a talking horse. (He is so compelling that Atkinson uses him in two different stories) as well as a talking dog!  Another story involves a character from the fairytale that someone is reading popping into the world of the story and ringing the doorbell.

It seems that in the world of this book, anything is possible. The rules of narrative do not apply, or at least Atkinson is bending them as far as possible and is testing us as readers.  How far can she try our incredulity?  A woman giving birth to kittens?  Why not! She has done it before, in her excellent book. “Not the End of the World’, and she makes passing reference to the same idea here too. This time she presents us with an Immaculate Conception, which is brought about after an intense school inspection.  Did I mention that this book will have you laughing out loud?  It may be dark, and it may poke fun at humanity, but it is very droll, in a very Kate Atkinsonian sort of way. 

The titles of the twelve stories are also connected: a title in one story is a catchphrase in another, ‘What if!’And characters too have a habit of wandering into different stories - Franklyn, Mable and Father Matthew turn up repeatedly. A similar repeated motif is the reference to the scent of violets, which peppers the entire text, and even becomes the name of a character if you take the trouble to notice. And of course there are the repeated references to that unique sound “Ting’ that means so much in the book - be it a church bell, a text alert or doorbell.  Like the quiet ping of a light switch going on.  

In almost every story there is a loyal dog, remaining steadfast by its owner’s side.  From Meg, the old man’s dog in the first story, to Kerry, named for Mr Kingshott’s  mistress, Holdfast and Nosewise, Aoife’s royal hounds, along with countless other dog foxes and witches’ cats, this is a book filled with four-legged companions.  Perhaps Atkinson is saying that in another reality this book is actually THEIR story, and we humans are merely sidekicks. I would not be surprised!

Atkinson accounts for all of this craziness in ‘Gene-sis’, where she introduces Kitty, an office worker, ‘With a secret librarian soul’, who works in advertising. It is she who is charge of the world, she who flicks the switch each time things get out of hand, to reboot the universe so to speak.So all our recent bad weather, the forest fires, the mud slides, the disappearing species - all Kitty’s fault. It is trickier than you might think, but there is something comforting in the idea that Kitty is doing her best to get it right. There is always a next time after all!

For those who take the time to look, there is much to observe in Kate Atkinson’s latest book. She has cleverly laid out riddles and connections for us to discover, but even without them, this is a book to enjoy. I am sure this will be a book to return to again and again to seek new motifs which may have alluded me this time round - I am certain there must be many.  ‘Normal Rules Don’t Apply’ apparently.  You have been justly warned. This is a book for fans and for those who have not yet fallen under Atkinson's spell, and that includes you too! 

Thursday 17 August 2023

If I Tell ~ Gill Perdue

I finished this gripping thriller in two sittings, the first was on an overnight stint in an overcrowded A&E room. So often with this book, fact and fiction merged for me, beginning when two policemen arrived at the hospital with a man in handcuffs, seeking medical assistance.  For those of you who don't know, this is not unlike the scenario at the start of Perdue's first novel in the Shaw and Darmody series, 'If I Tell'. The second and final sitting was late last night and I awoke this morning wondering how the main characters, Laura, Jenny and Niamh were doing - a telltale sign that a book has gotten under my skin, and this one certainly did. 

However, the most striking thing for me about this book was how acquainted I am with where the book is set. The story takes place in Dublin, yes, but it is based close to where I live and work, so at times it felt as if the text was not a piece of imaginary work but an article from a local newspaper. I think, if anything, this amplified the plot's chilling effect on me as a reader. Knowing so well the streets where some of the darkest events happen in the book, I found myself texting my teenage daughter to cut her evening walk short and keep to the main roads.

But that is probably the same for so many people who have read this novel, and that is the point: location doesn’t actually matter - violence against women and children can happen anywhere, anytime.  There's a normalcy to it that this book rails against at its very core. Enough is enough, Perdue shouts to the sky, the reader, the world.  Like one protagonist says to the other: 'We both have to tell our stories - so that it stops happening'. 

This in a vital way, is what Perdue is doing by writing this book - it is the titular concern after all - 'If I Tell Worse Will Happen'.  I wasn't expecting how outspoken and defiant Laura would be as she reflects on the injustice shown to all those who are subject to unspeakable violence. Yet in her book, Perdue is braver than most because she writes the unspeakable, and her gaze is steadfast and fixed. She insists that we do not look away. She cleverly takes us through the ordeal that her characters face because she has woven a story around them that is genuine, compelling, and that we can relate to, with characters that are warm, familiar, and that we are totally invested in.  So when they finally open-up and tell their stories, we feel compelled to listen, regardless of how unsettling and disturbing those words are to hear. With passionate words reminiscent of Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Perdue decries the injustice of the justice system, and demands change. 

Bronte gave us one defiant voice in her book where Perdue gives us three: Laura, Niamh and Jenny.  A triptych of female narrators, all speaking in the first-person present-tense, creates three-fold tension and a powerful sense of immediacy. The technique allows us to get inside the heads of three very important female characters, and while there are male characters in the text, we only view them at a distance. I think the impact of this on the reader is that we gain a very strong understanding of the female experience in the world of the novel, which reflects the book's theme and is crucial to its success. That being said, there are lots of interesting male characters here too and each of the women have positive experiences with men.  Niamh's father is very kind and accepting of her.  Laura's husband is forever patient and understanding, and Jenny's father, and boyfriend Luke, are both very tender and sensitive to her needs. Perhaps this is something that Persue will devlop in her second novel in the Shaw and Darmody series, called 'When They See Me', which is out now.

'If I Tell' is great company if you are ever stuck in A&E, or anywhere indeed, and need a gripping read to whisk you away to another reality, even if and especially perhaps, it happens to be set on your doorstep!  It may be all the more thrilling for that.

Michelle Burrowes

Wednesday 16 August 2023

The Quiet Music of Gently Falling Snow ~Jackie Morris

The visual equivalent of an iced tea in summertime! The Quiet Music of Gently Falling Snow by the wonderful Jackie Morris.

I return to this beautiful book again and again and just escape into its magical world filled with strange instruments and unusual animals. I like to unravel the narrative of each  image set in unknown, frozen lands. 

While the book consists of a collection of musically themes illustrations and folk tales, I must admit that I personally use this text as an opportunity to engage in some slow-looking. The author has kindly given us a mystery to untangle, a quest to complete and each time that I return to the image - another scenario presents itself. Like the the turn of the kaleidoscope, we never come across the same image twice. 

Hours can drift away between the covers of this rich, compendium of stories and art - be warned!

Sunday 13 August 2023

I Am The Subway ~ Kim Hyo-eun

This beautiful book written and illustrated by South Korean author Kim Hyo-eun, is translated by Deborah Smith and was originally published in 2016 when it won the Best Illustrated Children's Book Awards in the New York Times Book Review and well deserved too. It charts a day in the life of the Seoul subway, the longest subway system in the world with 7.2 million daily users.

The illustrations are
watercolour paintings and are beautifully done. It is interesting how the artist has chosen to show people from various angles: we don't see much facial detail but are given just a suggestion of who they are and how they're feeling just by the colour that the artist uses to depict them. He also expresses so much about the characters through body language and how they position themselves on the train. Some are slumped over, tired after their busy day, others peek shyly through the opening carriage doors.
The author brings these characters to life by presenting us with colourful scenes of their lives outside the train - such as the shoemaker in his golden workshop, the grandmother swimming in the blue sea. Colour is also used to create vistas of the world outside the subway, such as the busy street where the student goes to school. This clever use of colour teaches us that all of these characters have their own interesting, wondrous lives that we can only imagine. We cannot help but be curious about them, but it is the subtle use of colour that brings these characters to life in our imaginations.

I especially like how the author gradually builds up the amount of colour in the book. It begins with very plain monotone hues becoming more colourful as the book progresses. The first image is painted with muted shades of green and blue, in a haze of grey, suggesting a cold dawn at the start of the day. The final image in the book is of the same scene but at sunset, utilising beautiful orange, yellow and light blue washed. This golden ending of the book is completely satisfying and reassuring.

However, most of the text is concerned not with the landscape outside the train, are the characters who inhabit it. As the book progresses the characters are painted in a more colourful way to depict their colourful lives outside of the train. Just as the train picks up speed, and the story develops, so the illustrations become more vibrant, more deeply saturated. The colours from the outside world have seeped inside the train until at the very end we're given a beautiful full-coloured, detailed painting of the characters inside the train.

Their faces are no longer abstract - each has different features which mirror their individual stories. They are no longer a mass of featureless strangers. They have become humanised and we can see that each character is fully alive and each carries their own colourful stories. I have never seen colour used this way in a text. How clever! Kim Hyo-eun's book is simply wonderful and I highly recommend it for those who love illustration, trains, people-watching or all things Korean.
By Michelle Burrowes 2023

Saturday 12 August 2023

Our Garden Birds ~Matt Sewell

This beautiful book by Matt Sewell features the birds in our gardens that are so familiar to us. The author provides us with information about the habits of the birds and their histories. More than anything though this book gives us a selection of beautifully drawn illustrations that are full of humor and personality. The drawings remind me of Charles Dickens's animalistic caricatures and his ability to transform all sorts of people into animal form. Here Sewell has managed to do the reverse, creating little birds that have definite human qualities and character. This is a book to keep close to your garden window, to dip into now and then when you want to slip away from the hassles of life. It is a reminder that those colourful visitors who frequent our gardens are not so very different from ourselves, if we take the time to notice. 

Saturday 31 December 2022

Remembering Hughes and Mantel

 This year we lost two wonderful authors, particular favourites of mine: Shirley Hughes and Hilary Mantel. Each woman was a master in her own way - the former created the most beautiful characters through her warm, swirling, colourful drawings, and the latter dazzled us with her rich, imaginings of past worlds and happenings. Hughes's depiction of Dogger is just as unforgettable as Mantel's Cromwell - and through their stories, we will forever remember the women who brought them to life. 

My bookshelves are full of the words, drawings and books of Mantel and Hughes, and while I am sad to think that they have written their last, I am cheered by the stories that they have left behind - and am forever grateful that they were so prolific and hard-working while they were with us. Their legacies are their characters, the very ones who kept them up long into the night and to whom they gave their precious time.  In their turn, these characters will help breath life anew into the memory of Shirley and Hilary as they sail away from this temperal realm.

And one last thing... Mantel's books are full of ghosts and the undead. If by any chance she would like to haunt this author from time to time, she'd be very welcome. Just knock twice! 

Lessons in Chemistry ~ Bonnie Garmus

If, like me just 24 hours ago, you haven't read Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus, please stop reading this post and go get yourself a copy. I haven't been this excited about a book in some time.  Maybe it is just the time of year - though I doubt it - but I've been thinking a lot about the past, and this book fits my mood entirely. Set in the mid 1950s to early 60s in America, the book should describe the glamorous lifestyle of the modern woman, newly liberated from the kitchen, survivor of the Second World War, sisters of Doris Day and Audrey Hepburn, whose independent spirit could make any girls' dream seem a possibility. But instead, it details the numerous, ridiculously prevalent barriers to success and equlity that women and girls had to endure all their lives, and may still do.  I think this is what gripped me from the first page: this book is not set in the past. It is the story of women and girls today: the inequality persists, though perhaps not so openly.

One notable motif in the book is the idea that women need to take some time for themselves, if they are to stay in touch with who they really are.  I am reminded of Virginia Woolf's notion, that every woman needs a room of her own if she wants to fulfill her potential and Garmus is elaborating upon this idea here, for certain. Indeed, Elizabeth Zott transforms her kitchen onto a labratory, a room of her own, as she experiments with being a single mother and independent scientist. Even her coffee maker is a machine that she has invented, made up of test tubes and chemistry implements.  She literally takes a sledgehammer to her kitchen - destroying the ultimate symbol of domesticity - only to find herself working in a new kitchen as a television cooking instructor.  It seems escaping the confines of the kitchen will be harder than she thought!  

Like Ibsen wrote in his play 'A Doll's House', in 1879, the roles women play can be extensive yet exhausting, but at some point, a woman must be true to herself - or lose her sense of self entirely - and that requires her to be selfish with her time, her talents. In this text, the brilliant and forthright Eizabeth Zott, knows this to be true, then forgets it, and embraces it as a truth once more. She is a scientist and despite her gift, has to deal with relentless attacks on her character and career from numerous men, women and teachers! I spent much of the novel passionately hating the characters who got in Elizabeth's way, gritting my teeth as I endured, as did Elizabeth, their attempts to blight, burden, and abuse her. Garus's brilliance lies in her ability to make us care so much about this character. I suppose I cared so much about Elizabeth because I empathised with her.  I recognise misogyny in the workplace, in society: inequality in the law and the legal system.  Aren't we done with sexism already?  It's almost 150 years since Ibsen wrote his play, but still these themes are relevant.  

While Garmus has chosen to set her book in the middle of the last century, these themes still ring true. The reader roots for Elizabeth and the 'family' of characters that surround her. Each one is as endearing as she is, each villain is as toxic as any that splattered onto the page from Dickens's quill, and like Dickens, Garmus takes every opportunity to explain the psychology behind their cruelty, even allowing some to move from the dark side into the light. 

But more than anything, I found this book to be inspiring. It felt like a healing balm, the antidote to the craziness of modern living. There must be something ironic in that - how a book about the restrictions of life in 1950s America can be liberating in the early 20s in Ireland.  And, at this time of year, when reflecting on the past 12 months, seeing how unfair the world can be and looking ahead to 2023 with some uncertainty, Lessons in Chemistry reconfirmed my faith in humanity and the belief that all will be well. This is not a book that must be read at Christmas time, in fact, I think that it is an especially great book to read at the beginning of a new year.  It reminds us how far we have come in the world, and that we should not sit on our laurels: there is much that needs to be changed in the world, but with good people by our side we can accomplish anything. 

As a teenager I studied Chemistry in school - an extra subject- where a determined and formidable teacher took us during lunch breaks and free classes. She managed to squash a two year course into one, for the simple reason that about five of us girls asked her - the alternative subject was Ballroom Dancing (I kid you not). When I think of it now, she was an amazing teacher to take that onboard - for no extra pay, no extra credit. Elizabeth Zott reminded me of her, her frankness, her certainty - after all, the equations never lie. This book made me want to dig out my old Chemistry notes and become a scientist, or at least appreciate the importance of cracking open the shell of an egg with a knife when cooking and not whacking it off the side of the counter.  If you have read the book, you will understand what I mean...

If you haven't read Lessons in Chemistry yet - well, what are you waiting for?

Saturday 23 April 2022

Grey Bees ~by Andrey Kurkov

I knew I would love this book when I was only a few pages in - there was just something so familiar about this wonderful book set in a world between things. The main character - Sergey - lives in a little town in the Grey Zone between the battle lines of the Ukrainian forces and the Russian backed Separatists. With only an old school friend/enemy for company, Sergey lives a lonely existence, winding his clock, drinking honey vodka and tending to his bees.  Like the protagonist waiting for this bees to wake up and the honeycombs to fill, I spent most of my time reading this book with my knuckles clenched, waiting for something dreadful to occur. There are dangers at every turn - you never know who can be trusted. Will the knock at the door be a friend or foe? Who is creeping outside his tent and whose footprint are those in the snow? That sense of fear is lurking on each and every page - and is purposely done, I believe -as Kurkov tries to capture the reality of what life was like in war-torn Ukraine, in 2015. Of course, as the current Russian attack in Ukraine focuses on Donbas, the Russian speaking regions of Eastern Ukraine are much in our thoughts, giving extra poignancy to this novel first published in 2018.  Yet despite the palpable trepidation the overwhelming mood of this book is positive and life affirming. 

While Sergey leaves the Grey Zone to find greener pastures for his bees, he never really leaves his 'in-between' world very far behind. He cannot easily commit to relationships, such as the one with his wife, Vitalina and daughter, Angelica. They have moved away, leaving Sergey to his beekeeping. Yet when he phones them, his wife's voice seems warm: she reaches out to him, asking him to come to her. But Sergey cannot. He is used to the war zone which is paradoxically a place where he finds peace. As such, Kurkov presents us with the predicament of the Ukrainian people - they fight for peace, remain in a theatre of war because it is their beloved home. 

Nor can Sergey move on and form new relationships. Gayla welcomes her into her home and life, but somehow, he is caught between words - this time in terms of relationships. He cannot move away from the family unit he formed with his wife and daughter. He is stuck again in a no man's land, not married yet not completely separated either. 

His acquaintances Pashka and Petro are not strictly friends - one a Russian speaker, the other a Ukrainian soldier, but they are not strickly enemies either. Like him, they live in the Grey Zone, and share an understanding of the hardships they have all endured.  But Pashka was his enemy at school, 'borrows' from him and bring strangers in the night, while Petro gives him the gift of a hand granade. He travels with his bees, seeking a place where they can gather nectar safely, but wherever he goes, he does not belong. The people look at him strangely when he tells them he is from the Grey Zone - a refugee in his own country. They cannot understand what he has been through or what binds him to his home in no man's land. In a way, this book is really a study into the ties that bind us to country and place, and what it means to be home. What makes home a home when there are no other people there that you love?  No street names, no utilities, no power and not even any post. Kurkov uses the simple character of Sergey Sergeyich to puzzle out these complex questions. 

The use of colour in the book is also really interesting. For much of the text, we are shown a monochrome winter world, where snow covers the earth for miles and miles. There are dots of colour: a blue haversack, a green Lada, a pair of purple slippers - all important objects in this story.   But the sparcity of colour mirrors the shortage of food, electricity and human companionship that epitomises Sergey's world - that is until he re-enters Ukrainian territory on the outskirts of The Grey Zone. He sees miles and miles of sunflowers - the national flower of Ukraine. The colour stretches out across our imaginations like the Ukrainian flag - yellow ground against blue sky - creating a landscape that is incredibly moving. Through this blazing colour drives Sergey in his windowless Lada. The glorious colour is almost heartbreaking: it momentarily captures a sense of nationalistic pride without pomp and ceremony. It's only a man driving home - but it feels like the land itself is welcoming him. The moment is profound and endlessly memorable. If this were Yeats, he'd be sailing on to Innisfree, if it were Tennyson he'd be riding down to Camelot. The feeling of home-coming is eternal and universal. One cannot help but be reminded that, as I write, millions of Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes, to say goodbye, maybe forever, to the sunflower-filled fields of Ukraine. Kurkov's tale has even more poignancy now, with a pathos that increases daily as Ukraine hemorrhages its people as a result of Putin's war. 

Read this book - I loved every line like I knew I would. 

By Michelle Burrowes


Friday 31 December 2021

The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman ~ Denis Theriault


 One has to wonder just how much of this short, little book is lost in translation?  Set in Montreal, Canada, the story was created in French, but the version that I read was translated into English by Liedewy Hawke.  I mention this because, unlike most books translated into English, this one must have been particularly challenging I imagine as the text contains numerous three line poems written in the Japanese Haiku style.  I often wonder how much of a poem's meaning is conveyed through its syntax and word choice. How can a poem be translated when  the poet has spent so long threading each syllable, each word together for a specific effect?  From Shakeaspeare to Seamus Heaney - the intended meanings are surely lost in translation, changed, mutated at the very least. 

However, the world of Bilodo the postman is as familiar as any postman I have ever met, though his obsessions and blatant - illegal - disregard for the rules of the postal service are what sets him apart and keep us reading to the end. I cannot say much about the plot - I would hate to spoil it for curious readers - but it leaps and bounds, ofen into the realm of disbelief and you have to make a bit of an effort to follow it wherever it leads. 

Above all else - this is a book about fantasy and what ifs - where ThĂ©riault has let his imagination run wild. He creates a world where characters are not limited by financial concerns - who needs a job! - and enjoy endless resources - why have one apartment when I can have two!  Still, as readers, we are only too guilty of imagining our way into a good story, and this is what ThĂ©riault does here. He follows where Bilodo leads and ends up someplace unexpected. The ending of the book was quite clever and had me reaching for the sequel immediately. This has to be a good sign, doesn't it?

Truth be told, it was the cover that drew me to this book - a beautiful soft back, textured cover, that had the feel of rough handmade paper suitable for watercolouring. Nomoco is the Japanese artist and illustrator responsible for art that wraps around this text and I am such a fan.  And so we return to where we began - the international appeal of this book. A team of creators from many diverse backgrounds have produced this text that will at times make you blush, but more often will challenge you to believe that the impossible is possible in a busy street in Montreal, in the rain. 

By Michelle Burrowes

Sunday 31 January 2021

The Girl with The Louding Voice

It has been a while since I read a book that I simply could not put down. This was such a book. I was gripped from the first page to the last to learn the fate of this charming Nigerian character, Adunni and I could not rest until I had. Everything from the unusual grammar and syntax to the description of household objects and social norms convinced me to suspend my disbelief and believe completely in this main character all all who journey through these pages.

The story is grim, yet happy - such a conflict. I still am feeling mixed emotions at the story's end.  It must be said that the book contains details of rape and attempted rape and as such I do not think it suitable for everyone.  

Above all else though, is the incredible sound of this book. There is singing, yes, as Adunni's beautiful voice longs to express itself.  But as the title of the book suggests, having a voice is a central theme.  Again and again, characters tell Adunni to stop singing.  This is not because she does not have a nice voice - indeed there is power in it. She is able to sing an unborn baby and its expectant mother to sleep.  She uses her voice to sooth her terminally ill mother and it attracts compliments from others who hear her sing as she works.  But the malevolent characters in the book try to take away her voice.  She is beaten by Big Mama for singing in the garden.  The brutality in the face of Adunni's happiness is shocking. 

But there is another sound that fills this book, it is the sound of Adunni's speech. Adunni's voice is the voice of the narrator in this personal account of life as a 14 year old Nigerian girl. The author uses Adunni's vernacular and writes it phonetically so that we can hear her voice rippling through every page. I still can hear her phrasing ringing in my ears days after finishing the text.  

Adunni meets a neighbour who tries to teach her written English, and we see and hear Adunni change her language as she educates herself, but not entirely!  Adunni masters her use of words as she does her circumstances, learns, adapts and thrives, despite a difficult start in life. She finds her voice - a louding voice - and we know that for Adunni, there will be no going back. 

This book will creep inside your heart and make its home there: a nest where Adunni will sing and sing forever - with a strong, full, louding voice. 

By Michelle Burrowes